Sociolinguistic survey is the first step of understanding the situation of a particular language. The goal of Nepal National Languages Preservation Institute (NNLPI) is to promote mother-tongue language development among the minority people groups of Nepal. In order to be effective in accomplishing this goal, NNLPI seeks to understand the sociolinguistic situation of the minority language groups of the country by doing survey.

Project Overview NNLPI works with local language communities to provide opportunity to those who have not had opportunity before to learn to read and write. The goal is that by the end of a bilingual literacy programme, all the learners will be able to acquire basic literacy in both their mother tongue (MT) and Nepali,

Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)
Mother tongue based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) programme aims to provide quality education to monolingual children from non-dominant language communities. It is a child-centred education approach that begins early grade education and literacy in students' first language. Through the programme, students become multilingual, multi-literate and multi-cultural as they gradually build up their proficiency and confidence in using languages of the wider community to access the mainstream education as well as for...