It is the MLE project team’s desire to keep the Rajbanshi MTB-MLE programme effective and relevant to address the local needs. As such, the team invited Dr. Carolyn Benson to conduct an external programme evaluation in December 2015. Dr. Benson is an Associate Professor in International and Comparative Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, USA and reknown figure in the MTB-MLE circle. Below is a quote from her evaluation report on the Rajbanshie MTB-MLE programme:
“This Rajbanshi-based MLE program, which represents a clear, well thought out and systematic approach to the teaching and learning of languages, literacies and academic content of the national curriculum. This program demonstrates how to operationalize Nepal’s national policy calling for L1-based education, and its lessons should be followed by educators and stakeholders working to bring other non-dominant languages of Nepal into the education system.”